
Included in: VultModules VultModules Free

Flux is a module that was specifically designed to work with Caudal. Flux provides the following functions:

  • Attenuation and offsetting
  • Sample & Hold
  • Clocked comparison
  • Linear and exponential signal follower (slew limiter)
  • Envelope follower

Flux provides 4 similar channels and the classical Vult modulation section that allows you to control all parameters.


  • Mode:
    • S&H: Sample and hold. Keeps the immediate value of the input on every rising edge of the clock.
    • Comp: Clocked comparison. Outputs +10V if the input signal (after attenuation and offset) is larger than 0V on every rising edge of the clock, otherwise outputs 0V.
    • Off: Bypass the S&H and comparison. The input signal (after attenuation and offset) goes straight into the follower.
  • Range: Attenuates/amplifies the input signal from 0x to 2x.
  • Offset: Adds a constant voltage to the input signal from -5V to 5V.
  • Follower:
    • Lin: The output signal will approach the input signal linearly at a rate defined by the Rate knob.
    • Exp: The output signal will approach the input signal exponentially at a rate defined by the Rate knob.
    • Env: Envelope follower, the output signal will approach exponentially to the envelope of the input signal.
  • Rate: Defines the speed (or time constant) at which the follower reacts.
  • In: Input signal.
  • Clk: Signal used to trigger the S&H and comparison, active on the rising edge.
  • Out: Output of the processed signal.


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