Art & Tech Meetup
Last 20 of October we organized the first Art & Tech Meetup at Hackafe Plovdiv.

The objective of this meet up is bringing people together for an eclectic range of ideas related to music, visuals or any artistic manifestation of technologies.
This meet up consist on a set of short presentations by the attendees in order to get immersed in the creativity of others. The presentations can be improvised or prepared.
What can you talk about?
- interesting projects that you have made,
- ideas that can be further developed by the group,
- presentations on the new developments on tools for making digital art,
- tutorials on interesting tools,
- live performances or demonstrations.
We had very interesting presentations. Here’s a list of them:
- “Introduction to VR - basic principles and creation of content” - Atanas Dinchev
- “Voice effects” - Todor Arnaudov
- “Audio synthesis everywhere” - Leonardo
- “The perception of ancient cultural heritage nowadays. A walk-through the interactive installation Plovdiv Timeline” - Petko Tanchev
- “Media and architecture projects” - Moritz Behrens and Nina Valkanova